
Show microphone on keyboard
Show microphone on keyboard

show microphone on keyboard

Of course, some people may consider it a potential breach of privacy to allow Microsoft’s speech recognition to sift through files, so you can choose to disable the document-review option. The more Windows 7 understands the words and phrases you use, the more accurate and effective it will be in recognizing your speech. If you’re not interested in wearing a mic on your head all day, consider springing for a good USB condenser mic, such as the Blue Yeti.Ĭhoose whether to allow Windows 7 Speech Recognition to scan your e-mail and documents.Windows 7 Speech Recognition can learn to recognize your speech patterns and common words by reviewing written documents and e-mail on the PC.

show microphone on keyboard

You can use any microphone as an audio input, but a headset microphone is highly recommended because it places the microphone directly in front of your mouth even as you move your head. If Windows 7 Speech Recognition can’t hear or clearly understand your voice commands, your efficiency and results with the tool will suffer greatly.

show microphone on keyboard

A headset boom mic is recommended.One of the most important elements of speech recognition is the quality and position of the microphone. Choose the type of microphone you will use.

Show microphone on keyboard